Wednesday, April 21, 2010


As the life progresses I’ve begun to think about many of the aspects of it. Few of them are pretty essential and may touch to almost everyone’s life. I’ve not seen people talking about these things so frequently. The first one of them is ART...
Here I’ve mentioned thoughts of the great people about art and also mine...

Art is the expression of complex feeling of inner mind by the interface of the body. This is what I think primarily about art. Sometimes you may find some moments in your life for which you don’t have words to say. An artist feels these moments and creates something new. If he is poet, there will be a superb poem, if a musician a great composition, if a painter beautiful painting and if a dancer, a graceful dance. It is the way to express the complex feelings of the human mind.

According to psychiatrists there are to minds – Inner mind and outer mind. Inner mind is the unconscious mind which is not in control of the human being. The outer mind is the conscious mind from the man watches this world, lives in and creates an atmosphere around him. Since outer mind is conscious it is not the real image of that person. It’s a cover of the inner mind only. It can hide the weakness as well as speciality of the inner mind, but remember it is only hiding.

The unconscious mind – inner mind is full of thoughts, action and beauty as it is the mind that is created and loved by god. It has capacity to fly at the speed of light, go beyond the stars, and love a person to the edge of madness. As the inner mind is the mirror of the person it is very vital to know the art potential of a person. Ability to express the art justifies the psychomotor development of the person and richness of his inner mind. A moron can’t express the art as he is never connected to the inner mind. He lives in the world of the reflexes.

To read your own inner mind one has to meditate. Meditation I mean is not like it is sold in market. Each person needs own kind of mediation. One just can’t follow blindly to the books for it or lectures for it. Meditation is not just keeping the two hands on knees and closing the eyes. In fact it is the worst type of it. Meditation is the one in which person masters is psychomotor skills. A tennis player concentrates on the balls for top spin or back hand it is a type of mediation. A footballer mastering to shoot from the midline directly into the goal post is also a meditation. Even a simple juggler in the circus is also doing so as he has mastered the skill. Same thing applies for the art. It is the combination of the thought process and motor skills. It is the best kind of meditation.

How can one read his mind? This is the vital question. It is all about removing the curtain which is lying in between the inner and the outer mind. This is the line of consciousness. I’ll give you a simple example. A person is doing job in a company of which the boss is pretty toxic kind of personality. But the boss is the owner and manager. That man has to kneel forward to any of the demand of his boss despite of he likes them or not. The boss may scold him many a times for silly mistakes, and sometimes for not even for his mistakes. In all these condition person gets frustrated and begins to have irritable mood. He is hiding his original feeling of anger fearing that boss will not do favour of him when needed if he expressed his anger toward the boss. This is called conscious expression of the feelings. Ultimately it creates splitting of the mind. You will just try to remain happy, showing the plastic smile even if you feel bad for a particular person or thing. This is the basic seed of thought from where schizophrenia may develop.

Many people seek answer to this solution. How to be natural in these conditions? You just can’t say to your boss that you are idiot, or you don’t have real vision to care for your employees. Nor you want to suppress your desire to remove your frustration. This creates splitting of the mind. Now this frustration is being poured upon those who are not gonna harm you – like your children, wife or other family members.

For the saints and sanyasi person this is not the question as they don’t have to do a job, they don’t have to grow a child or feed a wife at home. They are like gypsy people. They will and can live life according to their unconscious mind. But the problem occurs when person lives in the world with responsibilities. Art finds way to release this pressure of frustration or pressure of feelings. Just relax, don’t think about anything else but the feeling about your boss. Take your instrument if you are a musician or take the brush if you are a painter. Start playing with your feelings, forget every other thing, and just get lost in the feeling towards your boss. Continue till you feel sleepy. Remember sleep is the indicator of relaxation. Then you will realise that you have created music comparable to Linkin Park! You will begin to love your boss for providing such feelings from which music was created!!! So art is a safety valve which opens up to clear the cloud within you!
This is why art is needed strongly in the life of a common man.

Well, I strongly believe that the relaxation is the key for mediation and spiritual excellence. When person is relaxed there is a natural vibration flows inside his body at his natural frequency of the inner mind. One has to catch it. I’ve seen the restless people who never keep themselves relaxed. They constantly keep themselves busy in some work. This creates an obsession in the mind that one has to work hard and constantly. And this is also supported by the society telling that “an empty mind is the home of devil”. Osho believes that this is rubbish; an empty mind is the ideal for creation. You just simply can’t create a painting on a dirty sheet. You’ll need a fine clean canvas for it!!

So, Art comes from the emptiness of your heart.
“You just become a flute, a hollow bamboo, and the universe sings through you. Your only credit is that you don't create any hindrance; you simply allow the universe to flow through you. With you being in a let-go and allowing the universe to flow through you, art is created. Before creating art, you have to be so humble, almost nobody. In your absence there comes a great universal flood. That flood can become poetry, a painting, music, a dance, a sculpture. Thousands of dimensions are available, you just allow it." – OSHO

Art was used by many intelligent people for communication purposes. If you take an example of Adolf Hitler, before amassing his fortune with the enormous royalties from the publication of his hugely popular Mein Kampf, Hitler earned a living by using his artistic skills to produce paintings that were sold to the public or used for postcards. Hitler was a great student of the fine arts and studied music, opera, painting, sculpture, and architecture. While living in Vienna under conditions of poverty, he read voraciously and still managed to spend whatever meagre income he had to attend lectures, concerts, opera, and the theatre. Even when he barely had enough money to survive he refused to compromise and always purchased the best paints, brushes, paper, and canvas. As a remarkably prolific artist, he is estimated to have created between 2000 and 3000 drawings, watercolours, and oil paintings. His artistic talent revealed itself at an early age and continued painting and drawing throughout his life. Even while behind the front lines in World War 1, he continued to paint in his spare time and contributed instructional drawings and cartoons to the military newspaper. His art continued throughout his leadership of Germany and included detailed building plans, furniture design, city planning, and monuments.

Gifting an art is the most valuable gift to anyone in this world. Lovers give flowers or roses to each other and bring clothes for each other to show or express their love. This is a sign of materialism. If a person feels the love deeply and the love is true not just affection there flows a beautiful composition inside his heart. He is just studded with thousands for thoughts which flow on the paint brush gracefully, many a words which are penned down to a poet, simple notes to create complex compositions. The divine love flows within him while composing and this is only possible if the person feels his love deeply. So this is an indication and I think the best evidence that if somebody gifts you a beautiful creation on you and you find it pretty, then it is damn sure that that person loves you!

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