Saturday, December 4, 2010


The article was written on the day of GURU POORNIMA in 2010, by a person who has excelled the education system twice.

I don’t believe in guru shishya system. Passing knowledge is the duty of any creature in this world. Even a small ant passes her knowledge to her progeny how to find the food and how to return home. Every bird teaches their children to fly. Every tigress teaches their cubs how to hunt.

On Guru Poornima - One should not be obliged to his Guru for the knowledge he gives to him. It is his divine duty to pass knowledge to their students and next generation. Ents and Lions also do the same but they don't seek honour.

In nature every creature passes his knowledge to their progeny and this is how the evolution goes on. This is true on genetical, physical and pschcological aspect.
Then why one should be so conscious about thanking guru being a mankind?

Isn’t it duty of him to pass his knowledge?

There is a very intense sense of getting honour in almost each guru deep inside their mind. They believe that they should be honoured for the knowledge they’ve got. The guru poornima is somewhat same kind of expression they want.
Nobody has evaluated guru’s mind as they believe that he is superior to us, he is unreachable, he is divine and have a glory of radiance around him.
Guru is also a human. He is also filled with feelings. Both positive and negative. He is also filled with joy and sorrow. He is also having problems and solutions. He is also having same kind of personal life and public life like you have. So despite of such similarity why to consider him superior to us?

One should accept that it is guru’s duty to pass the knowledge to his student. So the only dimention for which guru could be honoured is eliminated. Now why one should consider him as a special person? He is the giver and you are taker. You are superior to him because if you don’t do your work sincerely that you are going to ruin that principal of passing knowledge to progeny. So important is you not guru. He is only an easy way to find it out.

I’ve been always dissatisfied form the teachers i got in my life. They couldn’t understand that I never expected anything from him but they did too much form me! There should not be any expectation in the guru shishya relation. It spoils the game.

Somebody denied my radical thought about guru on facebook. They told that our parents are our guru and we should thank them for the knowledge they gave us. But I don’t believe in this. I think Guru shows the way to GOD, and I feel that My Parents are my GOD, not my GURU. They are far superior than simply a GURU. Since i am fragment of them, it is my duty to be GOD for my children. As I complete my job than my prayer will be over!!! This is how GOD lives within us not GURU.

The character GURU was created as an ESCAPE to parenthood.

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